The Meeting Fox Hunt Scene Framed Oil Painting Print on Canvas in Antiqued Gold Frame


The Meeting Fox Hunt Scene Framed Oil Painting Print on Canvas in Antiqued Gold Frame

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Accurate reproduction print of the original oil painting by English painter, William Barraud (1810-1850), in an antiqued gold resin frame.
Each high-resolution image is printed in-house with archival quality ink on matte canvas, board-mounted, then treated with a special varnish to give it a more authentic oil painting look. Each work is custom framed in our shop, and the back is finished with craft paper and a saw tooth hook or wire hanger. This print may be available in different sizes and frames. Please contact us for more information.

Print SizeFinished Framed SizeFrame WidthFrame DepthHanger
5” x 6”8-1/12” x 9-1/2”2”1”Sawtooth
8” x 10”11-1/2” x 13-/12”2”1”Sawtooth
11” x 14”14-1/2” x 17-1/2”2”1”Sawtooth
16” x 20”19-1/2” x 23-1/2”2”1”Wire
20” x 24”23-1/2” x 27-1/2”2”1”Wire
23-1/2” x 29-1/2”27” x 33”2”1”Wire

(This is a made-to-order item and not kept as stock inventory.)